Monday, June 23, 2014

This and That

I saw the neurosurgeon today for the results of my most recent MRI and I have to have surgery again!  I knew that there could be a chance that it could happen, so I'm not blown away by the news. Of course, I have to go through the surgery again, all the recovery and wearing a neck brace for 4-6 weeks, no driving, etc.  The doctor did say that she would put in writing that the cause of this 'occupational disease' was my job. The occupational therapist has already confirmed that, so it should help with going through worker's comp. I am hopeful that this surgery will be successful and I will be pain free and regain the use of my right hand. Just waiting now for the insurance company to approve the surgery and then it will be scheduled. Timing sort of sucks, because the wedding is 9 1/2 weeks away.

I got my new crown today, too. It feels awkward - foreign object - in there. I'll get used to it soon though. At least that is done.

We got Sarah's final 7th grade report card:  5-A+'s, 2-A's for a grand total of 4.0! I'm so proud of her.
She managed to keep straight A's through 6th and 7th grade. Sarah is also feeling better - no more fever and her tonsils are even back to normal.  I think I was just tired and needed rest as I am doing fine now.

I've been looking online again at fifth wheels. I am starting to make notes on some of the things I think I want, which of course, there are a few things I can do without if it just comes down to one or two things.  Some things I will not give up on.  I'm looking at so many, all of the floor plans are running together! There's only so much that can be done with limited space. Other than building your own design, how do you find all or most of the things you want in one fifth wheel at the right price?!  I've been reading more RV websites and blogs too.  And I'm looking forward to the Fall RV Shows here in Oregon. It takes a lot of research and planning - well, it does for me because that's just my nature.

I'm looking forward each evening to chatting with my new RV friends at They are a great bunch of folks. I hope to meet one of them in a couple of weeks and I'm excited about that. One day, I hope to meet the others during our travels.

More later...

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